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  • fbIMG_2847
    Froggy Jumps: Counting Forwards and Backwards!
  • fbIMG_2529
    School Trip: A Visit to the Vet!
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    Pet Show!
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    Storytime: The Ant and the Elephant
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    Read & Write: the Desert!
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    Little Artists: Collage!

    We love exploring our sense of touch by making textured collage with paper!

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    Rescue 1122 and Fire Fighter Visit

    We were super excited to see fire fighters in real life!!

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    Little Artists: Bubble painting!

    If you could contain happiness and gift it to a child, you would give them a free pass to blowing colorful bubbles!

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    Day-Time, Night-Time!

    Let’s draw what we our observations from day time and night time skies!

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    Name the Shapes!

    The children were asked to identify and name the shapes, as well as describe how many sides/corners each shape had, if any!

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