Assalam alekum, your school system is a very smart way to teach a child in a very cool environment which is a good apportunity for all of us.But i have a question, that i didnt see a class related to religion islam, any class to teach them about wazo namaz so that it become a habit for them later on.I personaly want my child to be with you thats why i am concerned… 😊
Thank you for the comment and sorry it took us this long to get back to you. We normally focus on using FB as a tool for communicating with Parents and this one slipped between the cracks!
First of all, thanks for your interest and that you like our setup, we would like to invite you to come to our school and get a tour of the facilities (from 6th Jan onwards).
Our curriculum has integrated all pieces of our lives including religion, we teach our kids when to bismillah, shukar allahumdulillah etc and also teach them small surah. Our kids are generally very small so we dont focus on wazo etc, this we let the parents teach them at home.
let me know if we answered your concerns, if you have any other questions, please call us on 0333-9101002 or visit us.
Assalam alekum, your school system is a very smart way to teach a child in a very cool environment which is a good apportunity for all of us.But i have a question, that i didnt see a class related to religion islam, any class to teach them about wazo namaz so that it become a habit for them later on.I personaly want my child to be with you thats why i am concerned… 😊
Dear Sanya,
Thank you for the comment and sorry it took us this long to get back to you. We normally focus on using FB as a tool for communicating with Parents and this one slipped between the cracks!
First of all, thanks for your interest and that you like our setup, we would like to invite you to come to our school and get a tour of the facilities (from 6th Jan onwards).
Our curriculum has integrated all pieces of our lives including religion, we teach our kids when to bismillah, shukar allahumdulillah etc and also teach them small surah. Our kids are generally very small so we dont focus on wazo etc, this we let the parents teach them at home.
let me know if we answered your concerns, if you have any other questions, please call us on 0333-9101002 or visit us.